Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Telekinesis means movement of objects with mind power. From my point of view , telekinesis is achieved by projecting a portion of your consciousness in the object that you want to move.

When this portion of your consciousness is melting and experiencing the object then movement is possible. One technique that works for telekinesis is to concentrate on the object , consider the object an extension of yourself , a part of your being. When you have a sense that you are projected in the object then you can attempt a movement . As you and the object are now the same , see the object as your third hand and move it.

You do not achieve telekinesis with will-power in fact will power will be detrimental because you affirm that you are separate and you cannot move something separate from you with your mind alone. The simplest form of telekinesis is dowsing with a pendulum , where you project a part of your consciousness in the pendulum to answer questions with a yes or no by moving the pendulum in a particular direction. Why the pendulum doesn’t move when you don’t hold it ? Because the link is simply cut off ,it’s no longer an extension of yourself, holding the pendulum make it easier to project inside of it.

Something you can try :

A/ Fill a bowl with water then let fall a drip of oil in the recipient . As the oil is lighter than water , the oil will float on the surface.

Try to move the oil with your mind , imagine that you are one with the oil then try to move it.

B/ Take one sewing needle and a paperboard. Fix your sewing needle in this piece of paperboard so that, when you pose the paperboard on the table, it maintains the needle right, points upwards. Then, take a sheet of paper and a compass. Draw a circle of around 10 centimeter ( 3.94 inch). Cut this circle and put it on the top of the sewing needle. Try to turn this circle with your mind .

Source :

Telekinesis and how to become a Telekinetic psychic

Telekinesis is the psychic ability that involves the ability to move objects, living beings, things and energies with your mind or spirit. Telekinesis comes when someone achieves a deep understanding of how energy and the universe works. When that information is obtained telekinetic abilities blossom.
* Year 2007 updates:
Scientist are getting closer and closer to true telekinetic powers by designing artificial body limbs that respond to people's thoughts to some degree (they actually pick=up the invisible electrical impulses that are sent through a cut off limb.
This is a way of proving that invisible energy is real and it needs to be rediscovered by most of humanity so we can all use the invisible energy around us to move objects with the energy out thoughts send out. But of course we should be good to live in harmony with planet earth which will give our energy some authority over other energy so it can be manipulated. Okay that may be a little confusing but you should keep that in mind if you have hopes of becoming telekinetic and move objects with your mind... the lovely act of telekinesis.
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This means you can morph energy, transform it, change its molecular structure and use it as if was a part of you.

Why is telekinesis possible?

Telekinesis is possible because everything is part of each other and connected to each other in a deep way. Telekinesis has infinite possibilities when used properly and for the evolution of energy and the universe. When true telekinesis is used for wrong purposes, there will obviously be negative consequences. This may seem a bit crazy but many cultures believe in it. Most of the time telekinesis is a simple trick or entertaining game as you already know =o). Well, Someone who truly has telekinetic abilities has more important things to do then make money or go on jerry Springer.

Telekinetic energy is basic energy working in a different way. Remote controls for TV are possible and a science ... why shouldn't other forms of remote control (like telekinesis) be real? Well, they are. Telekinesis is one of the rarest psychic power because you must fully understand the universe to work with such a complex energy. Telekinesis is not control, it is communication and being one with the individual or object you are being at one with. You can sit somewhere for the rest of your life trying to achieve it but you won't do to the fact that it involves becoming One with the something. In fact, you need a Jesus Christ type of understanding to a achieve this ability. The psychic energy we call telekinesis is very difficult to obtain when there is no passion.

The psychic body are of telekinesis is located between the third eye & spirit

These body areas can only be activated by living a harmonious life. A oneness with the universe needs to take place. Understand that there is no superiority in the universe, there is only equality and difference.

Source :

2.7. USING PSYCHOLOGICAL TELEKINESIS. This section is dependent on one having read and used the following sections:- A USEFUL CHECKLIST OF SUBJECTS:-

  • Every responsibility, loyalty, allegiance, mind, moral code, morality, rule book, rule, reality, objective.
  • Everything, everybody, everyone, we, I. TELEKINESIS. Telekinesis is moving something from A to B. One must take care to specify what is being telekined, and into what position or state it is being telekined to. If the object is unwanted then it is best transformed into energy. If the object is useful then it needs to be enabled. As telekinesis is very abrasive, the following is given in third party form. Construct something from the following example.

  • Let everything do.
  • Let everything telekine.
  • Let everything telekine telekinesis.
  • Let everything telekine telekinesis into existence.
  • Let everything telekine telekinesis into action.
  • Let everything telekine all masses into energy.
  • Let everything telekine all masses into energy ability.
  • Let everything telekine psi into existence.
  • Let everything telekine psi into action.
  • ...... Useful additions are:-
  • Let everything work for mutual profit and reward.
  • Let everything authorise the body to see it.
  • Let everything authorise the body to use it.
  • ...... (If the body can see it, so can everything else.) TOTAL FREEDOM. This is useful in the style:-

  • Total freedom to all energies.
  • Total freedom to psi.
  • Total freedom from all masses.

2.7.2. ENERGISING THE UPPER ATTRIBUTES. When creation, synthesis and responsibility have been discharged, we can discharge the upper attributes of mentalism. Mass tends to be represented by objectives and responsibilities. Try the following:-

  • Let energy do.
  • Let energy energise.
  • Let energy energise energy.
  • Let energy energise telekinesis.
  • Let energy energise its own existence.
  • Let energy energise action.
    • Let energy energise every other attribute.
    • Let energy energise every other ability.
    • Let energy energise every other controller.
    • Let energy energise every other objective.
    • Let energy energise every other responsibility.
    • Let energy energise enthusiasm.
    • Let energy energise exhilaration.
      • Let energy energise observation.
      • Let energy energise communication.
      • Let energy energise understanding.
      • Let energy energise intention.
  • Let energy energise anger.
  • Let energy energise pain.
  • Let energy energise all masses.
  • Let energy energise energy.
    • Let energy energise psi, etc.

Other subjects include:-

  • Anything in the above list.
  • I, Spirit, the Dynamic Psyche, Body.
  • The Energy Series.
  • Responsibilities, Objectives.
  • Everything, Everybody, Everyone. ENERGISING THE PSYCHIC. When understanding, intention, communication and observation have been discharged, we can discharge psychic mass. This is very heavy and in a different system. Thus everything has to be prefixed to get into the right system. Psychic mass can be very heavy. Try the following:-

  • I do.
  • I energise.
  • I energise (psychic) energy.
  • I energise (psychic) telekinesis.
  • I energise (psychic) action.
  • I energise every other (psychic) attribute.
  • I energise every other (psychic) ability.
  • I energise every other (psychic) activity.
  • I energise (psychic) enthusiasm.
  • I energise (psychic) anger.
  • I energise (psychic) pain.
  • I energise all (psychic) masses.

Other subjects include:-

  • Anything in the above list.
  • I, the Psychic (Entity), Body.
  • The Psychic Energy Series.
  • Psychic Mass.
  • The Attributes of Psi.
  • ESP, One's Ability List.
  • Everything, Everybody, Everyone. ENERGISING THE PSYCHIC UNIVERSE. The writer is in the wrong body, and the wrong side of the Zodiac for ESP. He can use archetypal clairvoyance, but that is not very profitable. To go deeper means going into basic systems, of which the roots of the Zodiac may be a part. Prefix everything with "Psychic", "System" or "Zodiac" to get into the right system. The writer may discover who is leading him on. There is a lot of psychic mass to dispatch. While there is mass, it is hard to get into psychic creation and the other bracketed items. Being able to run psychic anger appears to be the key. When there is no more mass to burn for energy, one must create energy for oneself. One will be rather flat if there is no energy. Add the bracketed items in, one at a time.

  • I do.
  • I energise.
  • I energise (psychic) energy.
  • (I energise (psychic) TPR.)
  • (I energise (psychic) self energising.)
  • (I energise (psychic) creation.)
  • (I energise (psychic) thought.)
  • I energise (psychic) telekinesis.
  • I energise (psychic) action (for profit).
    • I energise every other (psychic) attribute.
    • I energise every other (psychic) ability.
    • I energise every other (psychic) activity.
    • (I energise every other (psychic) spirit.)
    • (I energise every piece of (psychic) knowledge.)
    • (I energise every piece of (psychic) technology.)
    • I energise every other (psychic) system.
    • (I energise (psychic) enlightenment.)
    • I energise (psychic) enthusiasm.
    • I energise (psychic) anger.
    • I energise (psychic) pain.
    • I energise all (psychic) masses.

Other subjects include:-

  • Anything in the above list.
  • I, the Lonely ones.
  • The Zodiac Energy Series, the System Energy Series.
  • Zodiac Mass, System Mass.
  • The Attributes of the Zodiac and Systems.
  • ESP for Profit, One's Ability List.
  • Everything, Everybody, Everyone.
  • Psychic Meditation, the Dynamic Psyche.
  • The Psychic Energy Series. PSYCHIC CREATION. The following can be a useful aid to energising:-

  • I psychically do.
  • I psychically create.
  • I psychically create psychic creation.
  • I psychically create psychic energy.
  • I psychically create psychic telekinesis.
  • I psychically create my psychic myself / itself.
  • I psychically create psychic action.
    • I psychically create psi, etc.

Other subjects include:- The psychic creation of psychic energy. CHASING MASS. The energy sweeper above is still valid, but it not that good for real upper attributes and abilities. However mass can be chased upwards even if is unexciting. Try the following list of mass which is probably bottom up. Alternate this with unprefixed anger. When the going gets sticky, just use unprefixed mass and unprefixed anger alternately.

  • Creation Mass.
  • Thought Mass.
  • Psychic Mass.
  • Energy Mass.
  • Telekinetic Mass.
  • Action Mass.
  • Mathematical Mass.
  • Non-thought Mass.
  • Spirit Mass.
  • ESP Mass, etc. When one has exhausted chasing mass, one can go chasing enlightenment in a similar way. Ordinary mass and anger are still best when the going is heavy. Include the following:-

  • Attribute Enlightenment.
  • Upper (Attribute) Enlightenment.
  • Ability Enlightenment.
  • Non-thought Enlightenment. When most of the fossilised attributes have disappeared, only psi abilities are left. One can chase mass in a similar way.

  • Let the real time I do.
  • Let the real time I create.
  • Let the real time I create creation.
  • Let the real time I create ESP, etc.
  • Let the real time I do.
  • Let the real time I energise.
  • Let the real time I energise energy.
  • Let the real time I energise ESP, etc.
  • Let the real time I do.
  • Let the real time I energise.
  • Let the real time I energise energy.
  • Let the real time I ESP.
  • Let the real time I Psi, etc.

Other subjects for the energy sweeper include:-

  • Mental Barriers to Psi.
  • Reconnection, Linkages.
  • Control, Management Systems.
  • Energy Management Systems.

2.7.4. BENCHMARK EMOTIONS. There is now a shortage of things which can be named, and plenty of unnamed mass. About the only lead in is via energising psychic activities. Before trying psychic abilities, cycle through the following to ensure they are reasonably clean.

  • TPR. Total Personal Responsibility.
  • TSR. Total Spirit Responsibility.
  • MASS.
  • ANGER. Defeat all enemies.
  • ENLIGHTENMENT. Total command of all known and desired emotions.
  • ENTHUSIASM. Total command of all known and desired abilities.
  • SPIRIT. Also EVERY OTHER SPIRIT, they may be close to home.
  • MAGIC. Unprintable abilities allied to emotion and control. TELEKINETIC CLEANSING. As psychic abilities are not in the same system as thought, the last of thought will have to be purged. "To psi" does not seem to work, however the following does. Keep anything really useful out of the sweeper.

  • I do.
  • I telekine.
  • I telekine telekinesis.
  • I telekine all minds.
  • I telekine all logical thought.
  • I telekine TPR.
  • I telekine all masses.
  • I telekine all pain.
  • I telekine all anger.
  • I telekine all control.
  • I telekine all charisma.
  • I telekine exhilaration
  • I telekine enthusiasm.
  • I telekine all emotion.
    • I telekine matter.
    • I telekine energy.
    • I telekine space.
    • I telekine time.
    • I telekine the missing dimensions.

Other subjects include:-

  • The contents of the list.
  • Every other Spirit, Spirit.
  • ESP, etc.
  • The Universal Subconscious, Universal Control. HIGHER WEAPONS. There higher tools than telekinesis. Telekinesis can make one's hair stand on end. The higher tools can make other peoples' hair stand on end, and are thus unprintable. It is time for the student to take over completely and blast his own path. The writer still has not reached the level of true psi. Charisma has revealed itself as a flow probably between serenity in various universes. Anger has almost disappeared. The following are useful subjects for meditation to find out what to do next.

  • The next level / universe up.
  • The next identity up.
  • The next weapon up.
  • The next sweeper up.
  • The next ability up.
  • The responsibilities of a mind / God.
  • The abilities of a mind / God.
  • The lost flows, lost abilities.
  • Apocalyptic flows.
  • The next flow up.
  • Anger, Enthusiasm. THE UNIVERSE OF FLOWS. This cannot be described as it is above logical thought, all minds and all Gods. This is even above the roots of one's own mind and personal Godship. They are the solutions from Spirit for the problems of mentalism. Godship and the Satanic flow will remove a lot, fossilised TPR included, before burning each other out. Fossilised TPR is always responsible to fossilised Gods. Perestroika is a superior flow as it will clean out the Universal Subconscious. Look for the following flows and keep them clean.

  • Psi and ESP flows etc.
  • The Charismatic flow.
  • Energy flows.
  • ....Also
  • Anger and Enthusiasm (not flows, but body emotions).
  • Group Responsibility, machines and Godship. THE UNIVERSE OF PSYCHIC ABILITY. When all other mass, pain and anger has been burnt away, there is only psychic ability to gain. Unfortunately about the only thing one can do, is to make each ability in one's list perform every other ability. The writer is still working on this, but the Universal Subconscious keeps getting in the way, at its own cost. Keep the following clean:-

  • The creation of energy.
  • The creation of ability. REAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The following is a more powerful version of the previous sweeper, to take out the roots of the mind itself.

  • I do.
  • I telekine.
  • I telekine telekinesis.
  • I telekine all minds.
  • I telekine all logical thought.
  • I telekine TPR.
  • I telekine all Gods.
  • I telekine the mind.
  • I telekine myself.
  • I telekine all flows.
  • I telekine consciousness.
  • I telekine all masses.
  • I telekine all pain.
  • I telekine all anger.
  • I telekine control.
  • I telekine all emotions.
    • I telekine matter.
    • I telekine energy.
    • I telekine space.
    • I telekine time.
    • I telekine the missing dimensions.

Other subjects include:-

  • Consciousness.
  • Ability consciousness, psychic consciousness.
  • Physical universe consciousness.
  • Any other form of consciousness.
  • Intention, understanding, communication, observation.
  • Mindlessness, Responsibility.
  • One' ability list. The material gets sparse, short lived and illogical. Thus the student must fill in the gaps for himself. Godship in any shape or form, is the taking on of a winning identity, when one has failed in real consciousness. Therefore the following can be taken as signs of unconsciousness:- Godship in any form, Oneself, the Mind, TPR. and Responsibility (as these point to the mind), Mass and any pain or anger attached to it, and any form of control or rule book. CONTROL. As soon as one gets into mindlessness, a massive amount of responsibility is needed. If one is genuinely at control or above, then control can be substituted for telekinesis in the above sweeper until one drops below control at a higher level.

  • Mindlessness, Responsibility. CREATION. Any form of Godship must suppress further creation. When one is genuinely above personal Godship one can start creating for oneself. This does however pull in any remaining Gods and control mechanisms. Run these and the Energy Series through the telekinesis sweeper. It was misuse of the Energy Series which created fossilised rubbish in the first place. Adapt the above sweeper on the following lines:-

  • I do.
  • I create.
  • I create my own creations.
  • I create my own energy.
  • I create my own consciousness.
  • I create my own abilities.
  • I create my own power.
  • I create my own rejuvenation.
  • I create my own responsibility, etc.
  • I create my own psi, etc.

Other subjects include:- Spirit, the Body, the Energy Series. Things now get a bit too diverse and sparse. There are the 1001 Gods, one for every attribute, ability and everything else. It is best to concentrate on conscious walking, and forget organised meditation which only works if there is fossilised logic around. As far as personal Godship is concerned, the highest form seems to be that of God the Destroyer. Fortunately this only applies to the destruction of anything fossilised.

2.8. A SWEEPER FOR THE DEEP. The following contains most of the more obvious substandard emotions of Spirit. If enemies show up, then one is probably too far into emotion.

  • I do.
  • I telekine.
  • I telekine telekinesis.
  • I telekine opium.
  • I telekine love.
  • (I telekine all egos.)
  • (I telekine enlightenment / emotion.)
  • (I telekine godship.)
  • I telekine sin (ex Spirit).
  • I telekine all beingness.
  • I telekine control.
  • I telekine all engravings.
  • I telekine all masses.
  • I telekine all evil.
  • I telekine all corruption.
  • I telekine war.
  • I telekine pure malice.
  • I telekine bloodlust.
  • I telekine all pain.
  • I telekine anger.

Source :

Learn Telekinesis

These exercises are guaranteed to work. Whether you can successfully manipulate an object with your mind depends on several factors including your determination, sex , temperament , natural abilities and type of exercises. Not every exercise is right for everyone, so try them all and then decide which ones are for you. However, it's important that you meditate before attempting any exercise because not doing so will make your training harder.

Meditation Find a place where nobody will disturb you for the next 10 minutes. Turn on your cellphone and prevent any possible annoyances. Then you will have to meditate. In some of the Middle East and many parts of Australia people meditate for hours daily. They have many different techniques to do so, and the one I think is easier but less rewarding is the following: Sit down on the floor with your eyes closed. Be as relaxed as possible, try to clear your mind from everything. Now slowly focus all your attention in your toes. Just think about them for a few seconds. Then do the same with your feet, your ankles and keep moving up thinking about every part of your body. If done properly, this exercise should relax you greatly. Once you're thinking about your head, which should happen approximately fifteen minutes later, suddenly try to think about nothing. This sounds hard as we're biologically hardwired to keep our minds busy, but with practice you'll be able to clear your mind. Once you do it, you'll reach an enlightened state where performing telekinesis is easier. You should be completely relaxed now, with no worries. Remember, if you worry about anything, either do something about it or forget it. Telekinesis is strongly related to the state of your mind, namely your mental calmness. Read more about Meditation.

Techniques There are many techniques that people have made throughout the years to perform telekinesis correctly. Here's a list of the most common:

The Tap You only need two things: A bowl and a tap. Easy to get, right? Fill the bowl with water. Now place the tap on top so it won't sink. Try focusing all you attention on the tap. Make it move with your eyes... this is where it's a bit more complicated: make it feel like the tap is just an extension of your body.

The Candle This is mostly about Pyrokinesis, but it's a very good exercise nevertheless. What you do is simple: Light a candle and make it move with your mind. For more information go to that article.

The pencil This can be done practically anywhere. Simple grab a pencil and place it on a desk. Focus all your mind power on the pencil and try to make it move - do everything you can to make it move. You have to make it move. Keep thinking about this and, as always, consider the pencil an extension of your body. Think that just as easily as you can move your arm, you can move the pencil. With enough time, effort and determination you will be able to move it.

Source :


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We all know that we use some of our psychic potential sometimes........but we also know that few or none of ever use it all. Have you ever just "known" that something was going to happen? Have you ever had a "sense" as to whether a person you have just met is of a good or bad character? These perceptions are simple everyday examples of your unintentional usage of underlying psychic power.

So, what if you could focus this power to manipulate the world around you? We know through science and physics that physical energy is created by electromagnetic impulses, and that the electromagnetic and vibratory fields of an individual or object are affected by the electromagnetic and vibratory fields of other individuals or objects. This is how the entire universe works, from atoms to galaxies. Therefore, it stands to reason that a very focused form of this energy, directed like a laser beam, could indeed result in "mind over matter" type phenomena. This phenomena can be referred to interchangeably as telekinesis or psychokinesis - physically moving an object or changing the form of an object solely by using the power of the mind, and without physical manipulation.

As all of us can exercise to strengthen the body, those of us who are so inclined can also exercise the psyche to strengthen psychic and telekinetic powers. Simply stated, by learning to focus one's natural energy and vibratory rate, one can physically manipulate the world around them. It is probable that the ancients knew how to manipulate this power and used it to build the Great Pyramid at Giza. Unfortunately, few of us today have enough knowledge, discipline, or focus to do so.

Ancient Chinese philosophy teaches us that every object and individual has a circulating life energy known as Chi, and this seems borne out by recent advances in physics, namely the superstring theory (see The Concept of Other Dimensions for a brief explanation of this theory). Having said that, on a good day telekinetic abilities would be a wonderful thing to have around - beginners could move small objects and change the shape of things, such as bending a metal spoon. Advanced telekinesis could include locking doors, opening windows, starting cars, and a million other mundane tasks we do daily. On a bad day, however, telekinesis is probably very closely related to activity such as poltergeist phenomena, with objects being manipulated to hurt or frighten others. Unfortunately, we hear more about disruptive poltergeists than people who turn the stereo on from the couch without a remote, indicating that something has triggered the brain to such an extent that it can send that focused signal and manipulate outside objects. In poltergeist activity, this trigger is almost always believed to be a strong negative emotional state such stress, anger, hate, or frustration.

So is there any way to focus the Chi, or internal energy into a laser beam that will manipulate objects purposefully? Even the ancients knew that every object vibrates at its own unique frequency, or resonance. The plant on your shelf, the paperweight on your desk, and the dog at your feet are all vibrating at their own unique frequencies. By somehow raising or lowering your own vibrations to match the object you want to move while simultaneously focusing electromagnetic brain waves, you could move, reshape, or destroy any object. A good example of this is a singer who hits a high note and shatters a nearby drinking glass - through focused energy she has matched the vibrational frequency of that drinking glass, eventually shattering it.

Indeed, the key word when dealing with the practice of telekinesis is "focus." This can't be stressed enough. All the want-to in the world is not going to make that object move or bend if you are not completely focused. As such, knowledge and practice of meditation techniques and inner awareness is a prerequisite for anyone interested in cultivating their psychic and telekinetic skills. One should also be aware that this kind of focus, even for a very short time, is absolutely exhausting to the physical body.

Having said all that, the rest of this section is intended to help raise awareness of our innate telekinetic abilities, with some simple exercises you can do for practice. Obviously, you should educate yourself in important overlapping areas, such as meditation, and keep a positive attitude no matter how long it takes. Remember - FOCUS is the key!

Source :

What You Need to Know About...

Here's a primer on telekinesis (or psychokinesis) - what it is, remarkable stories of those who have it, how it might work... and how you can test and develop your powers.

More of this Feature

Page 2: How You Can Test Your Powers of Telekinesis

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"The bar where I work hangs wine glasses upside down in slots above the bar. One night 3 weeks ago, a server was trying to get one down from the wrong side of the bar. She got it stuck somehow so she applied more force. She let go and the glass came flying at my face. Without thinking, I waved my hand in a circle in front of me as if to make a shield to block me from harm. When the glass got to me, it just bounced back and fell to the floor away from me. The girl and I just looked at each other in complete amazement. She asked how I did that and I couldn't tell her. I told her I just did what seemed needed to be done."
Telekinetic Bartender

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Elsewhere on the Web

Telekinesis Techniques
PSI Explorer: Psychokinesis
Unusual Powers of Mind Over Matter

Whoever believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.

Psychokinesis (PK) - sometimes referred to as telekinesis or mind over matter - is the ability to move things or otherwise affect the property of things with the power of the mind. Of psychic abilities, true psychokinesis is one of the rarest. Few have been able to demonstrate this ability, and even those demonstrations are highly contested by the skeptics.

Do people have psychokinetic powers? Do you? Is there a way you can test and develop your PK abilities?

Case studies

Here are brief outlines of some people who have demonstrated remarkable PK abilities:

Stanislawa Tomczyk. Born in Poland, Tomczyk came to the attention of investigators when it was reported that startling poltergeist-like activity occurred spontaneously around her. She could control some telekinetic feats, but only under hypnosis. In this hypnotic state, Tomczyk took on a personality that called itself "Little Stasia" who could levitate small objects when Tomczyk placed her hands on either side of them. In the early 1900s, one investigator, Julien Ochorowicz, watched these levitations at very close range and observed something like fine threads emanating from her palms and fingers, although they were examined carefully before the experiment. And it didn't seem to be a trick. "When the medium separates her hands," Ochorowicz observed, "the thread gets thinner and disappears; it gives the same sensation as a spider's web. If it is cut with scissors, its continuity is immediately restored." In 1910, Tomczyk was tested by a group of scientists at the Physical Laboratory in Warsaw where she produced remarkable physical phenomena under strict test conditions.

Nina Kulagina. One of the most celebrated and scrutinized psychics to claim psychokinetic powers was Nina Kulagina, a Russian woman who discovered her abilities while attempting to develop other psychic powers. Reportedly, she has demonstrated her powers by mentally moving a wide range of nonmagnetic objects, including matches, bread, large crystal bowls, clock pendulums, a cigar tube and a salt shaker among other things. Some of these demonstrations have been captured on film. The skeptics contend, of course, that her abilities would not stand up to scientific testing, and that she may be nothing more that a clever magician.

Uri Geller. Geller is one of the most well-known "psychics" who has publicly demonstrated feats of psychokinesis: spoon and key bending have become almost synonymous with Geller's name. Although many skeptics and magicians consider his metal-bending performances nothing more than adroit sleight-of-hand, Geller has allegedly shown that he can manifest the effects over great distances and in multiple locations. On a British radio show in 1973, after demonstrating key bending to the astonishment of the host, Geller invited the listening audience to participate. Just minutes later, phone calls began pouring into the radio station from listeners all over the UK reporting that knives, forks, spoons, keys and nails began to bend and twist spontaneously. Watches and clocks that had not run in years began to work. It was an event whose success surprised even Geller and thrust him into the spotlight.

Some magicians may be able to duplicate some of these effects, but there may be legitimacy to this telekinetic phenomenon. In April, 2001, University of Arizona psychology professor Gary Schwartz conducted a "spoon-bending party" at which about 60 students were able to bend spoons and forks, with varying degrees of success, seemingly with the power of their minds. (Do you want to try it yourself? Here's How to Host a Spoon-Bending Party.)

Poltergeist Activity

Some researchers contend that the most common form of psychokinesis is one that is not consciously intended. Poltergeist activity, they suggest, might be caused by the subconscious of people under stress, emotional turmoil or even hormonal peaks. Without conscious effort, these people cause china to fly off shelves, objects to break or loud rappings to emanate from their houses' walls, among other effects.

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How to do Telekinesis (TK) Psychokinesis

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Telekinesis Forum now!

Proving the Power of the Mind / Soul

by Craig Miller
Special to ParaScope

Have you ever sat in your car at an intersection, willing the light to turn green? Or stared at a slot machine, trying to create a match with wishful thinking? According to the results of recent psychokinesis experiments, you should keep trying. FATE Magazine Associate Editor Craig Miller examines ground-breaking research in psychokinesis, or PK -- the supposed ability of the human mind to affect inanimate objects, discussing possible proof for PK and current ideas about the nature of this phenomenon.

Reprinted with permission from FATE Magazine.

(c) Copyright 1997 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.


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as well as many more amazing videos added!)

Ninel Kulagina - demonstrated that she could by mental direction alone, move objects across the table, displnce compass needles, and make a pile of matches explode outwards. And she could subsequently show that by PK, she could separate the white of an egg, which had been broken in a saline solution, from its uolk, and stop the heart of a frog beating.

The concentrative effort required to move objects by PK accelerated her pulse to 200 beats per minute, dangerously raised her blood pressure and upset her EEG wave pattern, which are the type of physical changes that normally only occur when a person is suffering great stress. They left the Leningrad housewife exhausted, dizzy, and depressed, and blurred her eyesight. They were eventually to result in a heart attack; this stopped her from taking part in further experiments.

'I think only of the object and that it must move,' she told Henry Gris and William Dick, the authors of The New Soviet Psychic Dicoveries. 'I concentrate on it. I must tune myself into the object. I feel as if some kind of energy is pouring from the sides of my fingertips, and from the sides of my hands.'

Psychic Development Workbook, How to Awaken & Use Your ESP, by Rodney Davies

Ninel Kulagina - Video (opens new page)

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Some Basic Techniques to Develop Telekinesis:
(found circulating on web).

Dancing Candle Flame

This is a very basic technique.

Light a candle. Relax and focus on the candle flame. Imagine that you are merging with a candle flame, becoming this candle flame, being this candle flame. What you're really doing is merging your energy field with the energy field of the candle.

In NLP terms, by focusing on the candle and tuning into the candle, you are "pacing" the candle, by directing the flame to move where you want it to move, you're "leading".

When you feel that you have established good enough "rapport" with the candle - imagine its flame extending and becoming longer. When you succeed with this, then imagine it shrinking back, becoming smaller and smaller; then bending to the side, etc.

When you're done experimenting, just imagine yourself returning back to your normal state or mind, "emerging" from the candle flame.


This is another basic technique. You can buy a pendulum or make it - simply attach a small object (e.g. ring) to a string. You could hold it in your hand, however, this way you'd send unconscious impulses through your hand, so it's better if you have a pendulum hanging in front of you (you can attach it to a small stand (like the one's for table lamps).

Same as in previous exercise, with a candle, focus upon the object until you create a sense of "oneness" with the object and then imagine it moving back and forth, clockwise, etc.

There are other techniques which I may post later, which involve accumulating energy (chi, ki), and projecting it to push the object.

These require more practice.

And, there are still other more esoteric/occult techniques for having objects appear/disappear at remote locations.

Moving Small Objects

Choose a small, lightweight object and place it on the table in front of you.

Relax, clear your mind completely and focus on your object.

Visualize a "tunnel" between you and the object. The only thing that should be present in your awareness is the tunnel and the object at the end of the tunnel.

Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... )

It may sound silly, but it works!

More techniques:

  • Psi Wheel - Great for Beginners - worked for me straight away! :)
  • Floating Objects - eg. toothpick in bowl

Have you had much success with any of these techniques? Did it take you long to master? What kind of things can you move? Or has another technique that is not here worked for you? Send an e-mail to Greg, please include 'Telekinesis' in the subject line.

How to move things with your will for real ?!! - Psychic Power

Telekinesis - Psychokinetic Power

What is it?

According to Scully in X-files telekinesis is: 'projecting your will' .

Personally I believe it has a lot to do with our energy field (aura).

Excercise for Clair-sentient People

This exercise is more likely to work for people who tend to be sensitive physically and emotionally: for 'feeling people'. If you are more visual you may not feel the energy, but you can visualize it. Likewise if you are more of an auditory person you may wish to make internal / external sounds to accompany your exercises.

Stage 1

Center yourself. Gather your energies into your body. Feel your energy throughout your body.
Collect your thoughts.

Stage 2

hold your palms as if praying, but instead of touching, hold them an inch or two apart. Stay with this. One day you will sense like a magnetism between your hands. When you do, start to move your hands wider apart, as if clapping in slo motion but without hands touching. Imagine a ball of light is growing in between your hands.

Stage 3

Once you can feel energy in your hands try to move your palms and fingers nearer a light object, which has little friction, so it can move freely. eg. Psi-wheel or toothpick floating in water

Experiment with different hand positions and different fingers and finger combinations.

Stage 4

Once you have attained a certain degree of success, start to move hands further and further away from the object and even put your hands down, and attempt to move the object with only your subconscious mind / aura / will.

Your conscious mind does not do telekinesis.

Have an intention, but saying internally move, spin, pull, push etc. doesn't really help.

Bring your mind home, and then place it on the object.

To make it spin: if you tend to be a feeling person: feel everything spinning

As much as possible stay with the feeling of energy, as in the electro-magnetic / bio-energy / aura

Stage 5

Take a break. Do something unrelated. This aids learning as well as reduces chances of overdoing it.

Key - Allies


  • Practice & discipline - develop will power
  • Patience - you can't have a body like Arnold Swarzenegger overnight - so be realistic - muscles need training
  • habit - force of habit and familiarity will make it easier and easier in the long run
  • Pure heart - no negative intention - greed, anger, insecurity,desire for fame / attention
  • Humility


  • doubt is likely to rear it's ugly head often, even after reasonable results
  • Faith based on reason eg. it's our natural electro-magnetic energy

Right Mind-set

have the right attitude: have a beginner's mind, not an expert's mind

  • be open minded & experimental
  • be joyful & light, carefree - detached from outcome, but know it is possible
  • be engaged & interested
  • be realistic, takes time


  • Anxiety
  • Doubt
  • Excitement - believe it or not, excitement is not too good for the purposes
  • Distractions
  • Tiredness
  • Arrogance

These are hindrances at the beginning. However as ones practice progresses, these are no longer obstacles, and telekinesis can be performed even when tired, excited, or anxious.

Experiment with different

  • objects. Start small and light with little friction eg. toothpick, psi-wheel, foil, rolling papers [silver rizla],
  • states of consciousness, brain waves - aplha, theta, delta, beta - eg. when waking
  • levels of alertness, attention, - eg. when had a few drinks
  • levels of focus / concentration
  • places for attention eg. object, self, connection / field in between object & self
  • hand positions, gestures, finger combinations, mudras
  • internal sounds eg. 'nnnnnn'
  • visualisations eg. thread, psi-ball , tunnel
  • exercises - dont stick to same ones - develop different skills
  • colours - each colour has a different energy: feel, see, be, know the colours
  • geometries

Above all have fun and be creative.

More Tips for developing telekinesis:

  • Learn to feel energy between hands: feel a psi-ball
  • practice with light things - eg. psi wheel: square of foil lightly balancing on pin (see links for more info)
  • focus (relaxed but concentrating) but don't overconcentrate
  • Take regular breaks, don't force self
  • Connect wiith the object - rapport -
  • send / receive chi through Laogung 8 point- in centre of palm or from finger tips - imagine a thread, feel it, see it
  • smile to the object, see it smile back (sounds crazy but works! )
  • don't use it to gain approval of others eg. don't show off - you may be branded psycho or witch or you may be the non-stop centre of attention
  • use for helping others - with good intention eg. for healing
  • practice on animals in danger - eg. crossing road in front of oncoming traffic
  • feel that you need to do it
  • If experiencing headaches after/during practice take regular breaks
  • Have fun, be joyful, be creative

Tips from Movies:

  • phenomena - ask it to move - all is energy -eg. in film ' Michael'
  • use passion (from film 'ghost') or e-motion
  • there is no spoon (Matrix)


  • Moving / Spinning / Atttracting / Repelling larger objects eg. chairs, people
  • Pyrokinesis - 'fire starter'
  • Cyrokinesis - 'ice man'

Empty Force

Empty Force - moving person with will / chi - demonstrated by Dr Shen - requires many years training and special herbs - read more on Psychic powers page.

similar outside to inside

Dream Vision

The following came to me in a dream -

I moved an apple up down etc. using conscious will & intention. It seemed as though there was an energy body 'outside' myself moving the apple to my command. I was relaxed and had no doubts in the dream.

This fits in with other teachings.

Visualize / feel your energy body extending and moving something.

However is some strict christian faiths leaving your body/ using psychic powers is regarded as a Satanic act - partly they believe God gave us the bodies to stay in. Thus moving objects is seem as using external powers (negative ego / demons etc.) to move something - Astral Travelling - riding the broomstick.

Make your own mind up

However don't do just to show off or cause harm - use your powers for highest & best intention.

If you set a positive intention (mind-set) then you are more likely to develop these powers.

Eg. I need to develop telekinesis for the highest good of all / or in order to release other sentient beings from suffering.

Be careful what you wish for.

Acquiring spiritual powers / siddhis is a mixed blessing

The highest masters never show off - they only use their powers / invocations / mantras if asked by others in need.

For example read the article about the Lama who brought rain to a Hopi tribe who were suffering severe drought

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