Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How to do Telekinesis (TK) Psychokinesis

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Proving the Power of the Mind / Soul

by Craig Miller
Special to ParaScope

Have you ever sat in your car at an intersection, willing the light to turn green? Or stared at a slot machine, trying to create a match with wishful thinking? According to the results of recent psychokinesis experiments, you should keep trying. FATE Magazine Associate Editor Craig Miller examines ground-breaking research in psychokinesis, or PK -- the supposed ability of the human mind to affect inanimate objects, discussing possible proof for PK and current ideas about the nature of this phenomenon.

Reprinted with permission from FATE Magazine.

(c) Copyright 1997 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.


(click on image or link to see wmv movie
as well as many more amazing videos added!)

Ninel Kulagina - demonstrated that she could by mental direction alone, move objects across the table, displnce compass needles, and make a pile of matches explode outwards. And she could subsequently show that by PK, she could separate the white of an egg, which had been broken in a saline solution, from its uolk, and stop the heart of a frog beating.

The concentrative effort required to move objects by PK accelerated her pulse to 200 beats per minute, dangerously raised her blood pressure and upset her EEG wave pattern, which are the type of physical changes that normally only occur when a person is suffering great stress. They left the Leningrad housewife exhausted, dizzy, and depressed, and blurred her eyesight. They were eventually to result in a heart attack; this stopped her from taking part in further experiments.

'I think only of the object and that it must move,' she told Henry Gris and William Dick, the authors of The New Soviet Psychic Dicoveries. 'I concentrate on it. I must tune myself into the object. I feel as if some kind of energy is pouring from the sides of my fingertips, and from the sides of my hands.'

Psychic Development Workbook, How to Awaken & Use Your ESP, by Rodney Davies

Ninel Kulagina - Video (opens new page)

If you're having problems playing the WMV vids, download the latest codecs from the Microsoft website here. Try to play them in Windows Media Player, sometimes other players don't play them correctly.

Some Basic Techniques to Develop Telekinesis:
(found circulating on web).

Dancing Candle Flame

This is a very basic technique.

Light a candle. Relax and focus on the candle flame. Imagine that you are merging with a candle flame, becoming this candle flame, being this candle flame. What you're really doing is merging your energy field with the energy field of the candle.

In NLP terms, by focusing on the candle and tuning into the candle, you are "pacing" the candle, by directing the flame to move where you want it to move, you're "leading".

When you feel that you have established good enough "rapport" with the candle - imagine its flame extending and becoming longer. When you succeed with this, then imagine it shrinking back, becoming smaller and smaller; then bending to the side, etc.

When you're done experimenting, just imagine yourself returning back to your normal state or mind, "emerging" from the candle flame.


This is another basic technique. You can buy a pendulum or make it - simply attach a small object (e.g. ring) to a string. You could hold it in your hand, however, this way you'd send unconscious impulses through your hand, so it's better if you have a pendulum hanging in front of you (you can attach it to a small stand (like the one's for table lamps).

Same as in previous exercise, with a candle, focus upon the object until you create a sense of "oneness" with the object and then imagine it moving back and forth, clockwise, etc.

There are other techniques which I may post later, which involve accumulating energy (chi, ki), and projecting it to push the object.

These require more practice.

And, there are still other more esoteric/occult techniques for having objects appear/disappear at remote locations.

Moving Small Objects

Choose a small, lightweight object and place it on the table in front of you.

Relax, clear your mind completely and focus on your object.

Visualize a "tunnel" between you and the object. The only thing that should be present in your awareness is the tunnel and the object at the end of the tunnel.

Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... )

It may sound silly, but it works!

More techniques:

  • Psi Wheel - Great for Beginners - worked for me straight away! :)
  • Floating Objects - eg. toothpick in bowl

Have you had much success with any of these techniques? Did it take you long to master? What kind of things can you move? Or has another technique that is not here worked for you? Send an e-mail to Greg, please include 'Telekinesis' in the subject line.

How to move things with your will for real ?!! - Psychic Power

Telekinesis - Psychokinetic Power

What is it?

According to Scully in X-files telekinesis is: 'projecting your will' .

Personally I believe it has a lot to do with our energy field (aura).

Excercise for Clair-sentient People

This exercise is more likely to work for people who tend to be sensitive physically and emotionally: for 'feeling people'. If you are more visual you may not feel the energy, but you can visualize it. Likewise if you are more of an auditory person you may wish to make internal / external sounds to accompany your exercises.

Stage 1

Center yourself. Gather your energies into your body. Feel your energy throughout your body.
Collect your thoughts.

Stage 2

hold your palms as if praying, but instead of touching, hold them an inch or two apart. Stay with this. One day you will sense like a magnetism between your hands. When you do, start to move your hands wider apart, as if clapping in slo motion but without hands touching. Imagine a ball of light is growing in between your hands.

Stage 3

Once you can feel energy in your hands try to move your palms and fingers nearer a light object, which has little friction, so it can move freely. eg. Psi-wheel or toothpick floating in water

Experiment with different hand positions and different fingers and finger combinations.

Stage 4

Once you have attained a certain degree of success, start to move hands further and further away from the object and even put your hands down, and attempt to move the object with only your subconscious mind / aura / will.

Your conscious mind does not do telekinesis.

Have an intention, but saying internally move, spin, pull, push etc. doesn't really help.

Bring your mind home, and then place it on the object.

To make it spin: if you tend to be a feeling person: feel everything spinning

As much as possible stay with the feeling of energy, as in the electro-magnetic / bio-energy / aura

Stage 5

Take a break. Do something unrelated. This aids learning as well as reduces chances of overdoing it.

Key - Allies


  • Practice & discipline - develop will power
  • Patience - you can't have a body like Arnold Swarzenegger overnight - so be realistic - muscles need training
  • habit - force of habit and familiarity will make it easier and easier in the long run
  • Pure heart - no negative intention - greed, anger, insecurity,desire for fame / attention
  • Humility


  • doubt is likely to rear it's ugly head often, even after reasonable results
  • Faith based on reason eg. it's our natural electro-magnetic energy

Right Mind-set

have the right attitude: have a beginner's mind, not an expert's mind

  • be open minded & experimental
  • be joyful & light, carefree - detached from outcome, but know it is possible
  • be engaged & interested
  • be realistic, takes time


  • Anxiety
  • Doubt
  • Excitement - believe it or not, excitement is not too good for the purposes
  • Distractions
  • Tiredness
  • Arrogance

These are hindrances at the beginning. However as ones practice progresses, these are no longer obstacles, and telekinesis can be performed even when tired, excited, or anxious.

Experiment with different

  • objects. Start small and light with little friction eg. toothpick, psi-wheel, foil, rolling papers [silver rizla],
  • states of consciousness, brain waves - aplha, theta, delta, beta - eg. when waking
  • levels of alertness, attention, - eg. when had a few drinks
  • levels of focus / concentration
  • places for attention eg. object, self, connection / field in between object & self
  • hand positions, gestures, finger combinations, mudras
  • internal sounds eg. 'nnnnnn'
  • visualisations eg. thread, psi-ball , tunnel
  • exercises - dont stick to same ones - develop different skills
  • colours - each colour has a different energy: feel, see, be, know the colours
  • geometries

Above all have fun and be creative.

More Tips for developing telekinesis:

  • Learn to feel energy between hands: feel a psi-ball
  • practice with light things - eg. psi wheel: square of foil lightly balancing on pin (see links for more info)
  • focus (relaxed but concentrating) but don't overconcentrate
  • Take regular breaks, don't force self
  • Connect wiith the object - rapport -
  • send / receive chi through Laogung 8 point- in centre of palm or from finger tips - imagine a thread, feel it, see it
  • smile to the object, see it smile back (sounds crazy but works! )
  • don't use it to gain approval of others eg. don't show off - you may be branded psycho or witch or you may be the non-stop centre of attention
  • use for helping others - with good intention eg. for healing
  • practice on animals in danger - eg. crossing road in front of oncoming traffic
  • feel that you need to do it
  • If experiencing headaches after/during practice take regular breaks
  • Have fun, be joyful, be creative

Tips from Movies:

  • phenomena - ask it to move - all is energy -eg. in film ' Michael'
  • use passion (from film 'ghost') or e-motion
  • there is no spoon (Matrix)


  • Moving / Spinning / Atttracting / Repelling larger objects eg. chairs, people
  • Pyrokinesis - 'fire starter'
  • Cyrokinesis - 'ice man'

Empty Force

Empty Force - moving person with will / chi - demonstrated by Dr Shen - requires many years training and special herbs - read more on Psychic powers page.

similar outside to inside

Dream Vision

The following came to me in a dream -

I moved an apple up down etc. using conscious will & intention. It seemed as though there was an energy body 'outside' myself moving the apple to my command. I was relaxed and had no doubts in the dream.

This fits in with other teachings.

Visualize / feel your energy body extending and moving something.

However is some strict christian faiths leaving your body/ using psychic powers is regarded as a Satanic act - partly they believe God gave us the bodies to stay in. Thus moving objects is seem as using external powers (negative ego / demons etc.) to move something - Astral Travelling - riding the broomstick.

Make your own mind up

However don't do just to show off or cause harm - use your powers for highest & best intention.

If you set a positive intention (mind-set) then you are more likely to develop these powers.

Eg. I need to develop telekinesis for the highest good of all / or in order to release other sentient beings from suffering.

Be careful what you wish for.

Acquiring spiritual powers / siddhis is a mixed blessing

The highest masters never show off - they only use their powers / invocations / mantras if asked by others in need.

For example read the article about the Lama who brought rain to a Hopi tribe who were suffering severe drought

Source :

1 comment:

Susan said...

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